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Games Before Kindergarten (Digital Download)

Games Before Kindergarten (Digital Download)

Regular price $10.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $10.00 USD
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Most of the work we do at All Learners Network is centered on teachers, schools, and districts. And - we know that parents and caregivers are often looking for support around early math introduction.  Because we know and believe that building positive early experiences for engaging with math can have a big impact on mathematical understandings later in school, we have made some of our resources accessible for home use as well. When we created our Games Before Kindergarten resources, we focused on games that kids could select as they want with a focus on easy-to-find materials. For $10, you can download our entire Games Before Kindergarten booklet so you and the young learner in your life can learn and play together.
The $10 Games Before Kindergarten Booklet includes:
  • 30+ pages of games, printable cards, and guidance
  • Instructions, cards, and game boards for 15 different games
  • A "Grown Up Game Plan" for helping to center the child's math journey
  • Insight on the math that is being learned and practiced through the games
  • Reassurance on supporting a child's productive struggle and what that can look like


If we make any significant changes to our Games Before Kindergarten booklet after you purchase it, we will email you an updated version, free of charge.

Are you a school or district looking to purchase a site license of Games Before Kindergarten? Reach out to to connect with our team to learn more!


Note:  This resource is available to All Learners Online (ALO) Unlimited members in ALO. If you have an ALO Unlimited account, you can find this item in the Math Menu Library of your ALO account. If you don't have an ALO Unlimited account but are interested in this resource, feel free to purchase it here!

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